We have a long-standing tradition within the Nature’s Eye family of hosting a dove hunt during the opening weekend of dove season each year. The event marks the transition from summer development season into the fall and winter hunting seasons. In recent years, the event has evolved into a gathering of friends and extended team members where we enjoy both the first hunt of fall and fellowship with our community.
The 2nd Annual Cottonwood Classic was hosted at Cottonwood and Bluebird Farm in September, and this year we added a morning of teal hunting to the fun. We were fortunate to capture these moments and are excited to share them with you.
Enjoy this collection of photos, and follow us on Instagram @nri_cottonwood for more. We look forward to seeing you at the Cottonwood Classic next year.

Special thanks to our hospitality crew at Pelican Pointe (@pelicanpointetx) for their service.